PONT Emballage has been selected by Prose to supply them with Beatson Clark’s 60ml amber glass jars for its new personalised hair growth supplements

amber glass

Hair care brand Prose has selected Beatson Clark’s amber glass packaging. (Credit: Beatson Clark)

US-based hair care brand Prose has selected Beatson Clark’s amber glass packaging for its new ROOT SOURCE personalised hair growth supplements.

PONT Emballage has been selected by Prose to supply them with Beatson Clark’s 60ml amber glass jars for the introduction of new personalised hair growth supplements.

ROOT SOURCE is a two-step process, which works from the inside out to help balance the scalp and enhance hair health and growth.

Beatson Clark’s amber glass packaging has been selected due to its potential of protecting the plant-based ingredients from UV ray exposure, in addition to keeping the product fresh and effective.

The amber glass packaging also serves as a sustainable packaging option by reducing the impact on the environment.

PONT Europe marketing manager Ulric Lonfils stated that that PONT and its sister company Beatson Clark work together to provide global customers such as Prose a robust network of expertise in glass packaging.

Beatson Clark marketing manager Charlotte Pike said: “Amber glass offers a luxurious, premium look to any product, and because glass is inert, we can be sure there’s no risk that the contents inside will be altered or damaged in any way.

“Amber glass is also great at protecting the product inside from harmful ultraviolet light.”

In June this year, Beatson Clark launched a new 330ml amber drinks bottle for both beers and soft drinks.

Beatson Clark is a supplier of glass containers for the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the food and beverage sector.