Fressko, which makes eco-friendly water bottles, knows the six Rs can make a dent in fighting marine plastic pollution.


Image: Fressko's eco-friendly water bottles helps in preventing marine plastic pollution. Photo: courtesy of Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay.

Re-use, one of the Rs, is the philosophy behind Fressko and its premium glass- and bamboo-encased stainless steel flasks.

One reusable water bottle could save 1,460 plastic bottles a year. The average person uses four plastic bottles a day.

Even worse are the 500-million single-use straws used daily in the United States! That is more than 38,000 plastic straws used by the average American during their lifetime.

“People can make a difference,” said Hayley Culley, marketing director for Fressko, which is based in Melbourne, Australia. “Today, more and more people are opting for the six Rs: rethink, refuse, reduce, re-use, recycle and replace.”

Culley said decreasing waste pollution, not just plastic trash, requires people to rethink and question their consumption habits.

“You can also refuse to buy some products which come in plastic packaging and reduce or consume less. Another option calls for reusing, repurposing or repairing items instead of throwing them out,” she added.

The final two Rs can apply especially to plastic waste. Make sure you recycle your plastic if your community offers a recycling program.

“Start buying green eco-friendly products, such as Fressko’s water flasks,” Culley said. “Use reusable water bottles instead of buying water in a plastic bottle. Keep a reusable straw in your car to use instead of the plastic ones at most restaurants.

Fressko flasks are durable, functional, and leakproof. They can keep beverages cold for up to 12 hours or hot for up to six hours. The containers are 100 percent BPA-free. Fressko also uses a third-party quality assurance company to make sure the company’s standards are met during production.

Fressko offers three product lines:

Original Series, which includes three glass and two bamboo flasks.

Color Collection, which is a series of infuser flasks in a variety of colors: lagoon, floss, coal, denim, snow and clay.

Camino, which is a 12-ounce reusable coffee cup featuring a color-coated, scratch-resistant exterior, and a stainless steel interior designed for long-term durability. The cup can be placed under the spout of a coffee machine and includes internal barista markings.

Culley said if everyone makes a small effort, marine plastic waste could decrease dramatically.

“It is a matter of commitment to save our oceans and planet,” she said. “Fressko water bottles can help you make a difference.”

Source: Company Press Release