Millad NX 8000 clarifier for polypropylene was the first Milliken product to gain energy savings-related certification from UL


Image: Milliken’s Hyperform HPN performance additives for PP. Photo: courtesy of Milliken Chemical.

Milliken Chemical has long said that its Hyperform HPN Performance Additives for polypropylene (PP) offers significant energy savings to injection molders during processing — a claim that has now been independently verified by UL.

UL Environment & Sustainability, a unit of the global UL group, confirmed recently that it has reviewed and certified that four grades of Milliken Chemical’s Hyperform HPN enabled an average of 5-8 percent energy savings for firms that injection mold thin-wall container lids or similar PP products. This certification applies to the Asia region, but can be extended to a global recognition.

Milliken does not plan to stop there. “We do have plans to pursue UL certification for additional nucleators in various applications,” including for other processes such as thermoforming, according to Bhavesh Gandhi, Milliken Global Product Line Manager – Hyperform for Milliken’s Chemical Business.

This is just the latest step in Milliken’s ongoing mission to help its customers reduce their impact on the environment. Its Millad NX 8000 clarifier for polypropylene was the first Milliken product to gain energy savings-related certification from UL. Within its nucleation portfolio, Hyperform HPN products are the first products to gain such a distinction.

Hyperform HPN provides the possibility of faster productivity via reduced cycle times, along with the proven energy savings. Additionally, Hyperform HPN improves the performance of recycled PP, enabling greater use of rPP in various applications.

At its booth (Hall 6/A27) at the K 2019 show in Düsseldof, Germany in October, Milliken demonstrated the many ways in which it is “Enhancing plastics with Color, Care, Clarity and Performance. Together.” As part of that, it had PP samples made with Hyperform HPN on display bearing the UL eco-label.


Source: Company Press Release