
Wood product supplier Balcas Kildare is using its Mosca strapping ...

Strapping equipment from Mosca has given MDF mouldings manufacturer Balcas Kildare a fast, reliable end-of-line solution at its County Kildare Factory.

One of Britain and Ireland’s largest wood product suppliers, offering items including construction timber, fencing materials and pallets, the company selected the Mosca RO-M-RI strapping system after seeing one in use at another site.

Specially designed to handle timber bundles of varying lengths, the system features a split arch, which allows product to pass over the strapper rather than through it, and Mosca’s brushless motors and direct drive technology, eliminating gearboxes, pulleys, belts and chains for long-term reliability.

The three Balcas machines are semi-automatic, utilising an easy foot-pedal operation.