Gene Simmons, an Israeli-American musician, has launched a premium soda line called Money Bag Sodas in cooperation with Rock Steady Sodas, a subsidiary of Johnnie Ryan Bottling Company.

Rock Steady Sodas - Four Flavors

Image: Gene Simmons' premium MoneyBag Sodas introduced in four flavors. Photo: courtesy of PRNewswire.

According to Paul Janik, Jr., President of Rock Steady Sodas, the new line of premium sodas are made with all-natural flavors, colors and sweeteners and are packaged in eco-friendly glass bottles adorned with beautifully detailed painted labels.

“Paul and John have an impeccable work ethic, as well as a prowess in the premium soft drink marketplace,” said Simmons. “The incredible flavor profiles they created and collectible packaging will be a crowd pleaser. I am very proud of Money Bag Sodas and excited about my foray into the soda business.”

The Money Bag Sodas line initially includes a cola, diet cola, root beer and ginger ale.  Additional flavors are in the works, along with a line of premium fountain sodas.

Among the retail outlets that are carrying or plan to carry Money Bag Sodas are 7-Eleven stores, Wegmans, Tops Friendly Markets, and Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shop kicking off in the North East and Los Angeles markets and expanding nationwide. 7-Eleven Stores will also exclusively carry a Money Bag Sodas Cream Soda flavor.

The collaboration between Simmons and Rock Steady Soda Partners Paul Janik, Jr, John Janik and Chris Haick, began with a chance meeting at Cleveland’s “Wizard World” convention.

The long time super KISS fans were in attendance with the hope of meeting their rock Idol Gene Simmons, who was a featured guest at the convention. Armed with their vintage posters ready for Simmons’ autograph, John and Paul struck up a soda-centric conversation with the music legend. Simmons asked for their card and they thought that was that.

About a week later, Paul received a call from Simmons, who said he owned the trademark for the Money Bag image and would be interested in having Rock Steady Sodas create a Money Bag premium soda line.

“We never dreamed it would be possible to work with someone we have idolized for decades. Gene is the ultimate entrepreneur and a very engaged business partner,” said Paul Janik. “We are honored to have had the opportunity to develop such a rock star-worthy product for soda lovers to enjoy and fans to collect.”

Money Bag Sodas is positioned in the specialty soda category. Others in their competitive set have had difficulty converting sales due to taste and lack of mass appeal. Rock Steady believes Money Bag Sodas’ quality, all-natural ingredients give them a smooth and pleasant taste with no harsh finish, sets them apart from others in their competitive set.

Packaged in authentic glass soda bottles with beautifully detailed painted labels, Money Bag Sodas are bundled in vintage-style 4-packs with custom crowns, setting the product apart from similar items in the category.

MoneyBag Sodas are manufactured in Niagara Falls, New York by Rock Steady Sodas, Inc. a subsidiary of Johnnie Ryan Bottling Company, at a single location. The sodas have been dubbed the champagne of sodas.

Company: Press Release.