US-based LiquiGlide has developed new coating technology, which is said to have a great impact on the packaging industry.

LiquiGlide coatings, which will help to move viscous liquids freely, provide better packaging for consumer goods and high tech medical equipment.

Claimed to be odorless, tasteless and colorless, the coatings are designed for both food-safe and non-food-safe applications, reported.

The coatings technology has been originally developed in the Varanasi Research Group laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

According to the company, the durable, self-healing and rewetting coatings include two layers such as porous solid layer and an impregnating liquid layer.

LiquiGlide president Carsten Boers said that the coatings are suitable for applications in various viscous liquids in the consumer packaged goods industry.

"We have received a lot of attention and are only months away from commercialising the first applications of our technology," Boers added.

In late 2013, the company started rolling out its customized coatings to clients, while the first coating will be used within a few months commercially in a processing application.

The first consumer products with LiquiGlide coatings will enter the markets in 2015. The products may include toothpaste, mayonnaise and paint, as well as lotions, conditioners and shampoos.

Shortly, the company plans to sign a series of agreements with different industry partners.