Pre-cut lid manufacturer Chadwicks has spiced up the lids for BigMex dips by Westler Foods to give the product a fresh look that will appeal to all Mexican snack food lovers.

Chadwicks has created various designs to correspond to each of the four flavours – sweet chilli, soured cream, salsa and cheese. The 70g pots are available as part of a wider range of snacks including sauces and a variety of flavoured tortilla chips.

Chadwicks sales administrator Vicki Slater said that the BigMex lids have been redesigned and modernised to suit the market in which they sell.

Westler Foods marketing controller Robert Burns said that Chadwicks have worked in partnership with their design studio to ensure that the designs were optimised for the print process and the result they have achieved better impact and communication at the point of purchase.

Aluminium based lidding is a standard product for sealing to all container types, including PS, PP, PE and PET. Ideal for products with an extended shelf life, aluminium provides an effective barrier against water vapour, oxygen, light and aromas. The metallic appearance of aluminium can also be used as part of the lid design and is an ideal material for additional features such as embossing and special applications.