An additional 14,000 tonnes of steel packaging was recycled in the UK last year, bringing the annual total to "an all-time high" of 304,000 tonnes, while overall recycling rates rose from 42% in 2002 to 44.5% in 2003.

So says “Success in Recycling”, a report form Corus Steel Packaging Recycling, which demonstrates how Corus has invested income from the sale of Packaging Recovery Notes (PRNs) to enhance UK steel packaging recycling rates.

Corus activities in 2003 assisted recycling in 44 local authorities for an estimated 1.5m households, while the company’s Corus CanRoute system recovered 21,122 tonnes of steel via the collection of 500m steel cans – a 61% increase on 2002.

Corus Steel Packaging Recycling manager John May adds: “The report provides a very readable summary of activity and achievements for everyone with whom we share responsibility for steel recovery and recycling – the steel packaging chain, local authorities, waste management companies and the Government.”

A PDF of “Success in Recycling” can be downloaded from