US-based containers firm Savsu Technologies has demonstrated Evo smart shipping container and its Biologistex application for tracking biologic payloads on a real time basis at the 2015 International Society for Cellular Therapy Conference in Las Vegas.


Claiming to cut down cost spent towards courier services, the Evo precision thermal shipper and its biologistex have been stated to help customers pack, ship and track such high-value payloads.

Seeking to cater to the need for preserving cellular therapies and regenerative medicines in the requisite temperature range during storage and transport, the Evo container is capable of monitoring and reporting on biologic payload conditions and the Biologistex app chips in by configuring email alerts.

Savsu Technologies president Bruce McCormick said: "Our new Evo product line is the hardware component of the product offering from our Biologistex joint venture. It represents our latest thinking about shipping critical, small volume cellular therapies and tissue samples, which are more difficult than large volume shipments.

"In the case of autologous therapies, we all know that there is a patient depending on a customized cellular therapy to arrive safely and reliably. That was terrific motivation to help create a system that advances the state of the art significantly."

Three evo models demonstrated at the conference are designed for 2-8 degrees C, CRT and frozen shipments.

Savsu is a party to a joint venture with Bothell-based BioLife Solutions, which has in its product lineup proprietary clinical grade cell and a Cloud-hosted Biologistics cold chain management application.

Image: The Evo container is capable of monitoring and reporting on biologic payload conditions. Photo: courtesy of Savsu Technologies/PRNewswire.