
Leading rigid plastic packaging manufacturer RPC has established its first North American manufacturing facility.

Located in Morgantown, Pennsylvania, RPC Bramlage-Wiko’s new factory represents a US$10m investment; its opening was facilitated by the company’s ongoing partnership with Kraft Foods’ Tassimo project. The “revolutionary” beverage system, for which RPC Bramlage manufactures the “unique” T-Disc brewing device, was launched in North America last September, and RPC and Kraft recognised the benefits of a localised manufacturing base.

The site, one hour west of Philadelphia, is a custom-renovated 65,000ft2 facility, fitted with “state-of-the-art” equipment, with “excellent logistics” both for the Tassimo filling plants, and for “future projects for new and current customers”.

The staff from RPC Bramlage-Wiko USA’s existing Exton sales office have relocated, while new production personnel have been recruited. RPC estimates the site will employ over 100 within three years.