‘The Future of Packaging Decoration’ will be the subject of the first in a new series of Interactive Evenings to be staged by Pira, covering key topics in the packaging and printing sectors. To be held on October 24, 2006, at the Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, the first of these sessions will focus on how current developments and emerging technologies in print and decoration will enhance packaging functionality and improve its structural and visual impact.

The evening will be “interactive and informal”. Topics to be discussed will include new developments and technologies in digital inkjet printing, sleeving, printed electronics (including printed RFID and OLED), intelligent inks, and intelligent paper. There will be the opportunity to network with other participants before and after the event, with drinks and a buffet included in the evening.

Price is £49 + VAT per person, but places are limited to 25.


Pira International
Tel: +44 (0)1372 802153

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