A time-temperature indicator for cold chain goods which can be specially “programmed” to suit particular product characteristics and indicate detrimental microbiological changes during transit and storage has been launched by France’s Cryolog.

“Traceo” comes in the form of a transparent film which is directly attached to the barcode of perishable products. The film incorporates micro-organisms and a gel, which “simulate” the degradation of the good being tracked. The self-adhesive label changes colour and turns opaque when the product is no longer fit for consumption, either after a critical accumulation of breaks in the cold chain or when the best-before date is passed. If the barcode is legible, the product is fresh; if not it is no longer edible.

The label is activated on attachment to the product, making precise temperature control before labels are affixed unnecessary. Cryolog says key target applications include tracing of fresh foods throughout the supermarket cold chain and monitoring of meals and sandwiches in the catering sector.