The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in the UK is holding an event on 14 September 2010 to help stimulate R&D and support innovation collaborations in nanotechnology, renewable materials and lifecycle analysis, through new supply chain partnerships between retailers, brand owners, materials developers, designers, chemists, polymer scientists, designers and experts in the UK and Europe.

The free event in London will aim to highlight and remove barriers to participation in collaborative funding opportunities from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) in the Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP) and Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE).

Guidance on FP7, and other public funding opportunities, will come from experts from biosciences, chemistry innovation, electronics sensors and photonics, materials and nanotechnology knowledge transfer networks (KTNs), UK FP7 National Contact Point (NCP), and European Enterprise Network (EEN). Support on partnering and project building will continue after the event.

The event relates to European funding calls ?in smart and multifunctional packaging concepts using nanotechnology (NMP.2011.1.1-1); advanced packaging materials from renewable biogenic resources (NMP.2011.2.3-1); eco-design for new products (NMP.2011.3.1-1); advanced and flexible technologies for active, intelligent and sustainable food packaging (KBBE.2011.2.3-03).

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Materials Knowledge Transfer Network