Hayssen Flexible Systems has introduced a vertical form-fill-seal bagger, which offers several options for packaging pet food, snacks, and confectionary and bakery items.

The DoyZip 380 machine offers customers with simple solutions to complex problems. It is capable of producing the complete range of bag formats such as pillow, gusseted, block-bottom, quad four-corner seal, three-side seal and Doy, including the largest Doy bags available, with a height of 380mm.

It improves efficiency with high-speed intermittent-motion technology and precision film control that can handle polyethylene and laminate multilayer films.

The machine features icon-based interface with a color touchscreen and remote-control capability.

Hayssen vice president of sales and marketing Dan Minor said: “We are proud to introduce an all-new VFFS bagger that essentially produces every type of bag style, with or without zip reclose, in a single machine.

“It’s one of the most versatile, efficient machines available, answering customers’ needs in various markets, including pet food, snacks, confectionary and bakery.”

The company said that the production rate of the VFFS bagger is 100 bags per minute depending upon the bag format and size.

Hayssen Flexible Systems has launched a new manufacturing value stream at its South Carolina factory in March 2015.