Latest introduction from Innovia Films is an easy open packaging film, Propaream T710EO, to meet the need for increased consumer convenience in the fast moving cut-size paper market.

For a number of years, Innovia has supplied a clear, glossy, acrylic coated OPP film, Propaream T710 which meets these requirements. The new grade is said to take this “to the next level and offer consumers the ability to open their reams of paper effortlessly and quickly”, thanks to the tear lines applied along the length of the packs.

The tear lines feature provides time saving benefits, ensuring that reams can be rapidly fed by operatives into larger model photocopying machines.

Benefits claimed for Propaream T710EO include: identification of paper colour due to transparency; maximum visual impact on retailers’ shelves; brand differentiation and ease of identification. Also prmised are a cleaner packing operation and elimination of potential risks of contamination; optimum film feed; clean and easy cutting; maintained product quality; and product integrity, and prevention of moisture ingress and transit protection.


Innovia Films
Tel: +44 (0) 16973 42281

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Innovia Films