Packaging machinery manufacturer Standard-Knapp has launched a continuous-motion uncaser 'Pikmore', for the wine and drinks industries.

The new uncaser can handle up to 70 cases a minute and lift glass bottles from a case onto a filling line.

Standard-Knapp technical writer Maxwell Ziegler said the machine filled a customer need to process the empty bottles that arrive at a brewery.

“Our customers on the brewery side buy their glass in bulk. The glass arrives in cases that will later be shipped back out holding the beverage,” Ziegler added.

Pikmore’s gripper heads revolve around a central carrousel to gently and quickly remove the bottles from the case. The case and bottles are sent down the line before the filled containers are put back in the case for shipping, reports PackagingNews.

Pikmore uses the firm’s standard operation interface and is designed to run largely operator free so staff can focus on other aspects of the production line.