Seymourpowell has successfully accomplished the manadate given by Goldshield and created the name, brand identity and packaging design for the latter’s Shape.Smart range.

Seymourpowell has created the name, brand identity and packaging design for the new SHAPE.SMART range from pharmaceutical firm Goldshield. Shape.Smart is a new umbrella brand of Goldshield’s healthcare division, which consists of three weight management products- APPEsat, LIPObind and DEcarb.

APPEsat, LIPObind were previously existed in the market as individual products under the Goldshield brand. After launching DEcarb recently, Goldshield gave a mandate to Seymourpowell to create a new weight-management umbrella brand within Goldshield that brings the three sub-brands into one common product line, with their own distinct identity and on-shelf standout. Seymourpowell maintained the similar design layout for all the three sub-brands with matching typography.

While APPEsat, LIPObind retained their original blue and red color palates in the new design too, DEcarb has come up with a combination of green and red.

The company has also co-developed Goldshield’s Shape.Smart EATERtypes to effectively correspond within the new Share.Smart pack design. EATERtypes is developed to inform and help users understand their eating habits.

David Towse, marketing manager of Goldshield commented: “Seymourpowell has created a brand identity for Shape.Smart that successfully unifies all three of our weight-management product, giving us great brand presence at point of purchase.”

Jonathan Shaw, director of packaging at Seymourpowell said: “Combining the launch of DEcarb with the union of all three products through design, we’ve successfully given the range a new lease of life and fantastic on-shelf standout.”