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Home » pressreleases » Nordtek Launches Re-Packaging to Connect Surplus Owners with Potential Buyers

All In Packaging - Simple and Effective Online Packaging Procurement


Nordtek Launches Re-Packaging to Connect Surplus Owners with Potential Buyers

Why is Re-Packaging different?

The re-purposing of packaging components is not a new idea, it has been present in the industry in an organized form for decades. There are several companies that buy and resell surplus packaging. However, the success of this activity depends on the number of contacts on both the purchasing and the sales sides. Nordtek combines the new Re-Packaging concept with its online packaging trading platform, All In Packaging, which already connects the products of over 100 manufacturers with thousands of potential customers. All In Packaging combines the resources of the companies, multiplying efficiency in comparison to one conventional trading company. The basic idea is that an unlimited number of companies working together will always represent bigger purchasing and selling power than one single company.

The All In Packaging business model

The core idea is to optimize the resources of the companies in the system.They all have access to the full packaging portfolio, and they can add their own items to the system. They use a multi-storefront software, which can be added to their website, as the catalogue/web shop of traded items.

The web shop is always adapted to the local environment. Partner companies can freely decide which items to show or hide in the web shop, the outlook of it is in line with the company’s image. The network of personalized web shops combines the advantages of perfect communication with local buyers/suppliers with the full packaging portfolios available of system members.

Check out the Re-Packaging website for more information.

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All In Packaging - Simple and Effective Online Packaging Procurement