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Home » pressreleases » New High and Low Temperature OxySense Instruments

OxySense - Optical Oxygen-Sensing Solutions


New High and Low Temperature OxySense Instruments

"In response to our customers’ requests, we have developed two new systems that allow the user to measure oxygen levels at temperatures not possible with any other competing systems," explained Peter Gerard, president of OxySense.

The OxySense L5000 has the capability of measuring oxygen levels in packages and containers at temperatures as low as -25oC and up to 30oC. The OxySense H5000 has the capability of measuring oxygen levels in packages and containers at temperatures to as high as -95oC. The range of the standard OxySense 5000 is 0oC to 50oC.

"With these new additions to our line, we offer customers the opportunity to measure and monitor the performance of their package and materials in the environments that they will be exposed to in the real world, as opposed to a lab simulation," said Gerard.

For additional information on these exciting new products, and how OxySense assist you, please visit our website, contact us at (214)483-1003, or e-mail us at info@oxysense.com.

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OxySense - Optical Oxygen-Sensing Solutions