Polymer research and test house Rapra Technology is offering a free 30-day trial of “the biggest web based polymer library in the world” – www.polymerlibrary.com. The offer, said to be worth £99 at Rapra’s current rates, gives new users an opportunity to browse and evaluate the wealth of information on offer at no cost.

Rien van den Hondel, Rapra Business Manager Databases, says that ‘if you’ve not tried out our library before – you’ll quickly come to understand the value of this vast bank of polymer knowledge. It contains over 850,000 records relating to plastics, rubbers and adhesives, yet it is a simple matter to identify and access the material you need to match your particular interest.”

Rapra says demand for the database – which is expanded and updated on a two-weekly basis – is rising as more and more plastics innovations and products are brought forward to market.



Rapra Technology
Tel: +44 (0)1939 252440

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