Following 18 months of steady growth, the Ghent PDF Workgroup is restructuring its organization. The original bylaws specified that the workgroup – initially established to develop and maintain a set of vendor independent PDF/X Plus specifications for the worldwide graphic arts community – would dissolve itself after a period of two years and evaluate its future. At its last meeting, it was decided that the workgroup should remain in place and continue its work. The organization has also decided to allow industry suppliers to join as full voting members.

Current chair Saskia Desmet comments: “The Workgroup today numbers 13 industry associations from 10 countries, and we continue to grow and evolve. I am extremely pleased that all members have decided it is an initiative worth continuing. In addition to industry associations, we will also begin accepting suppliers as full voting members, as we believe it’s important to include their input and increase mind share among them. At the same time, in order to ensure neutrality, the strategic direction of the group will remain with the industry associations.”

With the new organization and several subcommittees now set up to address different market segments, new objectives have been laid down. These are: to streamline and co-ordinate the decision making process among worldwide industry associations interested in best practices for graphic arts workflows; to develop and maintain process specifications and associated documentation for best practices in graphic arts workflows; to develop and maintain reference implementations for those process specifications to ensure the practical applicability of such specifications; and to actively promote adoption of the established process specifications by the worldwide user and vendor community.


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Ghent PDF Workgroup