The new thin-film technology will help to package, ship and store biologics and vaccines at room temperature for expanded periods


Jurata introduces new thin-film technology for biologics and vaccines. (Credit: Willfried Wende from Pixabay)

Biomedical device company Jurata Thin Film has introduced a new thin-film technology for storage and distribution of biologic treatments and vaccines.

The new thin-film technology, dubbed MSI-TX Thin Film, will enable to package, ship and store biologics and vaccines at room temperature for expanded periods.

With a one-hundredth weight of a pound, the single wafer-thin film can be used to place up to 500 doses of vaccine.

MSI-TX Thin Film, a surfactant-stabilised cellulose matrix material, enables to deliver the same amount of vaccine and other biologics at room temperature in less than 1% of packaging volumes presently required, said the company.

The new technology to help avoid the use of specialised storage containers and -80º C freezers

Jurata said that the new thin-film technology will enable to reduce the use of specialised storage containers and -80º C (-140º F) freezers, which are currently used to ship and store biologics.

MSI-TX Thin Film will also help decrease the use of mass quantities of glass vials, thereby minimising all distribution limitations.

According to the company, the biopharma industry can integrate the new technology into their manufacturing and finishing processes to boost the delivery and access to vaccines for Covid-19 and other diseases.

With a wide range of dosages, the films can be produced at any size to deliver the required therapeutic effect.

Large films will be manufactured in nearly eight hours to evenly distribute therapeutic payload across each sheet of films.

Jurata said that the new technology will offer several benefits, including no loss in therapeutic potency of film stored at room temperature for up to three years without the support of specialised freezers or refrigeration and single-dose solutions cut from the film can be rehydrated in widely used solutions within 15 minutes.

Jurata Thin Film business development director Megan Livingston said: “Since current supply chain logistics cannot support bringing vaccines or biologics to patients, they instead may have to travel great distances to receive treatment.

“With this technology breakthrough, vaccines and biologics can now be delivered safely and quickly to any patient anywhere on earth.”

Recently, Tjoapack has announced an investment to advance the efficiency of its automated packaging line to meet increased customer demand for pre-filled syringes and vials.