Green Planet Bottling, a maker of bottles from plant starch, has launched a new line of organic and plant-based water bottles. The company claims these new bottles are made from plants that are toxin-free and carbon neutral, and do not filter chemicals into contents, are reusable, completely recyclable and compostable in 80 days.

The company further claims that the water itself is vapor-distilled for purity and whenever possible sourced within 500 miles of its destination, so it has less impact on environment than the brands that are transported long distances.

Green Planet water is currently available in a 16.9oz bottles, with one liter and 12 oz bottles slated for introduction this month.

Bradford Schulman, the founder of Green Planet Bottling, said: We’re increasingly hearing about the dangers of petroleum-based bottles, and Green Planet is leading the industry in responding with our 100-percent plant-based compostable and recyclable bottle.

Green Planet is currently being distributed in 18 markets throughout the US, targeting schools at all levels, corporate campuses and hotels. It’s also being picked up at select restaurants, convenience stores and public locations, such as cultural centers.