By working together, the East and West could bring about better strategies for future packaging development, the NVC Netherlands Packaging Centre told the International Forum on the Standardisation of Packaging and Environment, held in China recently.

NVC managing director Michaël Nieuwesteeg urged delegates in Beijing to integrate the best of East and West, asking: “How can we learn from the past and use our combined knowledge and different cultures to develop a worldwide strategy for the sustainable innovation of packaging in the future to the benefit of mankind?”

Building on a long history of trade between East and West by land and sea, China has announced plans for a high speed train link between Beijing and London taking a mere two days.

Co-operation between East and West will be important because world trade will increase the scale of the supply chain of packaged goods; and the acceptance and regulation of packaging activity will depend on regional, national and cultural factors, said Mr Nieuwesteeg.

Mr Nieuwesteeg’s presentation, in Chinese and English, is available on request at