According to a survey conducted by data and analytics firm GlobalData, APAC consumers also look for packaging that is easy to open and store

Care products

GlobalData consumer insight analyst Namrata Sain believes that due to an increasingly busy lifestyle, consumers are dependent on the usage of products away from home (Credit: Pixabay)

The majority of consumers based in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region are opting for efficient, hassle-free beauty packaging products that fit their lifestyles, according to data and analytics company GlobalData.

In its third-quarter consumer survey, the firm found 52% of costumers prefer “easy to close/reseal” packaging features in their beauty and grooming products.

According to GlobalData, competition in these sectors are quite strong, with manufacturers trying to find innovative ways to stand out from the crowd.

These innovations include creating unusual dispensing methods in attractive product shapes to establish a connection with consumers.

GlobalData consumer insights analyst Namrata Sain said: “Effective packaging is critical for building positive perceptions of a brand as well as winning over new consumers in the beauty sector.

“The increasingly busy lifestyle of consumers is resulting in growing dependency on the usage away from home.

“Convenient, ready-to-use beauty products that require minimal attention, work well for consumers who like, or have to be independent.”

Ease of use among top priorities for consumers in APAC

For 51% of consumers in the APAC region, product preservation and protection are among the most important determinates when it comes to purchasing beauty products.

Half of those asked for the research said they want products that are either easy to open or easy store, with 49% of respondents looking for items that are simple to use with clear instructions.

Sain said: “Clean labelling, being a hot trend, offers clear, concise information about the brand and product, including its health benefits, company values and packaging sustainability, contributing to the essential key points of being an effective packaged product.”

Other priorities raised by consumers included favouring items that are durable and strong (43%), products that are easy to dispose of and recycle (36%) and packaging which is simple to transport and consume on the go.

apac packaging
Items which are easy to open and close are among the top priorities when consumers are deciding to purchase beauty products (Credit: GlobalData)

Other purchasing decisions made by customers in the APAC region include brands which offer refillable or reusable options (28%), items that have added value features, such as spoons or applicators (21%), and products with multi-pack portions (13%).

One brand given as an example by GlobalData is New Zealand-based company Ethique, which was first founded in 2012 to rid the world of plastic waste.

The environmentally-friendly brand has launched products in bar shape, which can be dried, rewrapped and placed back in the sliding box for reuse, making it simple, logical and far greener than any recycled plastic container can be, according to GlobalData

Sain said: “Efficient and effective packaging will not only enhance the appeal and improve convenience and functionality but also helps consumers take the guesswork out of coordinating products.”